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Nézd a pozitívumokat – művészek a változásért
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A 2016-os év a változásról szólt az Egyesült Államokban és Európában is.


A 2016-os év a változásról szólt az Egyesült Államokban és Európában is. A művészvilág egy része nem örült a történteknek. Úgy döntöttek inkább, hogy nem foglalkoznak ezzel, és a negatívumok helyett a pozitív gondolataikat teszik közzé. Több mint 100 képregényben mutatják be mindezt.

A Draw the Line projekt Myfanwy Tristram nevéhez fűződik. Olyan ismert és díjnyertes művészek adják hozzá a nevüket, mint Dave McKean (Sandman, Coraline), Steven Appleby (Loomus), Karrie Fransman (A nyögdécselő ház), Lucy Knisley, James Harvey és Woodrow Phoenix.

- Sok más emberhez hasonlóan, engem is megijesztettek a 2016-os politikai változások, és pozitív példákat kerestem, hogy lehet továbblépni – magyarázta Tristram.

Társadalmi, politikai és környezetvédelmi mozgalmak több mint száz pozitív eseményt és ötletet gyűjtöttek össze. Ezek mind azt a célt szolgálják, hogy lehetne jobbá tenni a világot.

Today's comics for positive political action are all about using #tech to give power back to the people. Our first is illustrated by James Harvey (harveyjamz): "In Taiwan, the government wasn&#39;t being as transparent or making as much use of online technologies as certain hackers would have liked -- so they created their own version of the government websites, just changing one letter of the URL (from gov to g0v). With a single stroke of the keyboard, the public could access public assets and information as they ought to be, sharing open data and inviting collaboration. Several years on, one of the primary instigators of this movement has become the country&#39;s Minister for Digital." Follow us for more daily comics for positive political action or find them all at #DrawtheLine #DrawtheLineComics #Illustration #Comics #Art #Politics #Activism #Hope #Change #Technology #Tech #Government #Hack #Hackers #Transparency #JamesHarvey</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">Une publication partagée par Draw The Line (drawthelinecomics) le 7 Mars 2017 à 4h08 PST

Today's comics are all about #craftivism, or using traditional hand #crafts to take positive political action. Our first post is illustrated by Rica March: “Fast fashion — the phenomenon of cheap highstreet shops churning out clothes that are only designed to last a season, cost almost nothing, and then end up in landfill — is bad for the environment. “Clothes are the second largest source of pollution after oil,” according to the US organisation Opposing Views. It's very likely also bad for the people who make the clothes. Ask yourself how much the factory workers must be being paid, to be able to offer garments at such low prices. Then research the more ethical options and take your custom there. Buy fewer items that are high quality and will last longer.” Follow us for more comics for positive political action or find them all at #DrawtheLine #DrawtheLineComics #Illustration #Comics #Art #Politics #Activism #Hope #Change #Environment #ClimateChange #Ethics #Sweatshops #Fashion #RicaMarch #crafting

Une publication partagée par Draw The Line (@drawthelinecomics) le 9 Mars 2017 à 5h53 PST

It's #InternationalWomensDay, so our posts today will show what you can do to progress women's rights. We'll also highlight work by women who contributed to this project, including project founder Myfanwy Tristram (mockduck). Our first comic for positive political action is by Woodrow Phoenix: "Women have made massive strides in the workplace, but discrimination and inequality is still a daily reality of work for many women. After being repeatedly talked over and ignored, female staffers in the White House came up with a plan to make their voices heard in a male-dominated office. When any one of them gave their views in meetings or emails, the other women would back them up by repeating that view themselves, overcoming the muffling effect of male dominance." Follow us for more daily comics for positive political action or find them all at #DrawtheLine #DrawtheLineComics #Illustration #Art #Comics #Activism #Politics #Hope #Change #Women #WomensRights #Feminism #WomensMarch #IWD #IWD2017 #WoodrowPhoenix #DayWithoutWomen #DayWithoutaWoman</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">Une publication partagée par Draw The Line (drawthelinecomics) le 8 Mars 2017 à 1h34 PST

Today's comics for positive political action are all about using #tech to give power back to the people. Our second is illustrated by Maria Björklund: “People love online games and quizzes, so they're a great way to get a political message across, or to educate people about the detail of a complex issue. If you're a coder, you could make games for the general good.” Follow us for more daily comics for positive political action or find them all at #DrawtheLine #DrawtheLineComics #Illustration #Comics #Art #Politics #Activism #Hope #Change #Technology #Tech #Code #Coding #Gamers #Gamer #Game #AntiFa #Videogame #Videogaming #MariaBjorklund

Une publication partagée par Draw The Line (@drawthelinecomics) le 7 Mars 2017 à 5h27 PST

As human beings, we all move. But #borders are closing and #xenophobia is on the rise. Today's actions are all about supporting people who migrate, to escape violence, extreme poverty or to create better futures for their families. The first action is illustrated by Katriona Chapman (katrionachapman): "Along the US/Mexico border, the Border Angels charity (BorderAngelsOfficial) leaves jugs of water along desert migrant paths, to prevent dehydration — an all-too-common cause of death for migrants.” Follow us for more daily comics for positive political action or find them all at #DrawtheLine #DrawtheLineComics #Art #Comics #Illustration #Activism #Politics #Hope #Change #Migrant #Migrants #Migration #Refugees #RefugeesWelcome #Water #Charity #Angels #Desert #KatrionaChapman #BorderAngels

Une publication partagée par Draw The Line (@drawthelinecomics) le 6 Mars 2017 à 5h16 PST

It's the #weekend, so here are some positive political actions you can take while hanging out with people and having a good ol' time. The second is illustrated by Freya Harrison (freyargh): "It costs surprisingly little to become a card-carrying party member. It also gives you the right to vote on important party decisions, like leadership and the stance they take on important issues." Follow us for more comics for positive political action or visit #DrawtheLine #DrawtheLineComics #Illustration #Art #Comics #Activism #Politics #Hope #Change #Democracy #Community #Friends #FreyaHarrison</a></p> <p style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">Une publication partagée par Draw The Line (drawthelinecomics) le 3 Mars 2017 à 6h22 PST

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