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Pusztító lavinák a Nyugati fjordoknál Izlandon

Pusztító lavinák a Nyugati fjordoknál Izlandon
Szerzői jogok AP Photo/Felipe Dana
Szerzői jogok AP Photo/Felipe Dana
Írta: Euronews
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Csütörtökön van napra pontosan 25 éve, hogy a térségben 14 embert ölt meg egy lavina.

Három hatalmas lavina zúdult az izlandi Nyugati fjordok vidékére, betemetve egy kétszáz lelkes falut. Flateyri településre mentőcsapatok indultak, méghozzá jégtörő hajón, mert az odavezető utak teljességgel járhatatlanok.


Az egyik lavina maga alá temetett egy lakóházat, ahonnan egy tizenéves lányt sikerült élve kihozni. A lány fél órát töltött a hógörgeteg fogságában, komoly fagyási sérülései vannak. A család többi tagjának sikerült magát kiásnia.

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A state of emergency was declared in Flateyri, on the West Fjords, last night after two massive snow avalanches fell from the mountains above the town. The avalanches were of the same caliber as the one that fell in 1995, which buried 45 people and resulted in 20 deaths. ⠀ ⠀ Following that tragedy, avalanche protection structures were built above the town, which seem to have proven their effectiveness last night. The avalanche entered only one house, burying a teenage girl, whom rescue workers were able to dig out within a half hour. She was not seriously injured. ⠀ ⠀ The avalanche, which was measured as moving at a speed of around 200 km/h, did, however, hit the harbour area, sinking all boats but one, and completely destroying a part of the harbour. ⠀ ⠀ It also managed to crash over the protection structure in one location, hitting a home and turning the family car upside-down in the driveway. ⠀ ⠀ Another avalanche fell from the mountain opposite nearby Suðureyri (on the other side of the bay), resulting in a tsunami wave that caused flooding in one house in the town. ⠀ ⠀ One coast guard vessel had been deployed to the West Fjords to be on hand in case of emergency - a prescient move that proved invaluable last night, as the road to Flateyri is closed and it is cut off from all help. The vessel was able to transport the teenage girl buried in the avalanche to the hospital in Ísafjörður.⠀ ⠀ As soon as daylight breaks, more avalanches are expected to be discovered in other parts of the West Fjords.⠀ ⠀ Thank God for those avalanche protection structures, that's all I'll say. I can still recall the horror of 1995 even though I was snug in my home in Reykjavík at the time. I can't imagine what the people of Flateyri must be going through today. Thoughts and prayers. 🙏❤️⠀ ⠀ Photo: Steinunn G. Einarsdóttir, via⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #Iceland #avalanche #Flateyri #WestFjords #extremeweather #Icelandavalanche

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Egy másik lavina a parton lévő épületeket rombolta le, valamint az ott horgonyzó hajókat.

Csütörtökön van napra pontosan 25 éve, hogy a térségben 14 embert ölt meg egy lavina.

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